Cattive condizioni meteo e problemi tecnici alla nave di supporto hanno portato all'annullamento della spedizione a Bouvet Island .
il comunicato pubblicato su DX World net:
FEBRUARY 3 @ 21:30z — During the last 72 hours we continued to experience the high winds, low clouds, fog, and rough seas that have prevented helicopter operations since our arrival at Bouvet. No improvement was predicted in the weather forecast for the next four days.
Then, last night an issue developed in one of the ship’s engines.
This morning the captain of the vessel declared it unsafe to continue with our project and aborted the expedition. We are now on our long voyage back to Punta Arenas.
As you might imagine the team is deeply disappointed, but safe.
There is already talk about rescheduling the DXpedition. [Co-leaders K0IR, K4UEE, LA6VM]
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